TX Semi Truck Wreck & Accident Injury
Lawyers Attorneys
Austin | San Antonio | San Marcos | Seguin
The chaos of a trucking accident immediately brings a high level of anxiety and uncertainty. Promising careers are in jeopardy or at an end. Personal lives are impacted by serious injuries or the death of a loved one. At Gordon & Elias, L.L.P., we help residents of Texas get through a traumatic event and seek compensation so they can move on with a life that now has more challenges.
When an auto is involved with a truck in an accident, one outcome is for sure: the auto loses. If you do not select Gordon & Elias as your truck accident lawyers, you could lose twice. Hiring dedicated truck accident attorneys may mean the difference of receiving tens of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars. Simply put, if you hire just any lawyers and not a truck accident law firm, you may be making a serious mistake.
You need truck accident attorneys that do the following:
- Answer the phone when you make that first call
- Send out an investigator to obtain photos and make measurements and, if forensic work is necessary, send out a trucking accident reconstructionist
- File any necessary equitable relief, e.g., writs of sequestration, pleadings to protect the truck from any repairs that could alter the evidence
- Get you to Board Certified Physicians to make sure that you receive the best medical care possible for your injuries
- File your suit as soon as possible and aggressively fight for your rights taking depositions, sending out discovery and building your legal case
- Where ethically permitted, advancing you monies, interest free, to pay for necessary expenses since your income is stopped due to an inability to work
- Finally, and perhaps most importantly, treating you like family instead of just a client. We know full well what a severe disabling and permanent injury, or worse yet, the death of a loved family member means to you. We find that some law firms around the country have lost their way and often times forget that they are representing the person not just a paper file. We pledge to you that you will always be able to call us and ask whatever you want and get a full explanation. Please do not misunderstand, we like to make money just like the next guy but, we know that if we work hard and do a good job, always with compassion for our client, the money will follow.
If you have been injured in an tractor-trailer crash or rollover that occurred in Austin, San Antonio, San Marcos, Seguin or anywhere throughout Central Texas, contact us toll free at 800-773-6770.
Holding Drivers and Trucking Companies Accountable for Trucking Accidents
Truck drivers work long hours and are often pressured by their employer to complete their tasks by any means necessary. That results in shortcuts that amount to negligence. Drivers are required to adhere to regulations involving time on the road, number of breaks, and weight of the load they carry. Under the law, a trucking company can be held liable for the negligence of its drivers.
Central Texas Trucking Accident Attorneys
At Gordon & Elias, L.L.P., we represent Central Texas residents on a contingency basis. There are no initial, out-of-pocket expenses to you. We manage your case while you focus on recovering from serious trucking accident injuries caused by:
- Rear-End, Head-On Crashes and Jackknives
- Poor Maintenance, including Tires and Brakes
- Driver Fatigue
- Unsecured Loads or Unsecured Cargo
- Aggressive Driving or Improper Lane Change
- DWI / Drug Use
- Dangerous Roads
- Lack of Reflectors and Poor Visibility
Experience and Resources to Mediate or Litigate Your Trucking Accident Claim
We use experience and thorough legal knowledge, coupled with vast resources, to build your tractor-trailer crash injury claim based on the facts. Expertise comes from our network of trucking industry experts and accident reconstructionists. From there, we seek the best resolution, through negotiation, mediation or litigation.
Catastrophic Injuries When Safety Was Not a Priority
Before getting into the truck cab, a driver is required to perform a pre-trip inspection so that when a truck driver before the driver turns the ignition key, they are doing so with the notion that everything is safe. The pre-trip inspection is to detect problems before the rig gets on the street. There have to be periodic brake checks, including caliper settings, hydraulic, pneumatic and air brakes, adequate sleep and rest time in accordance with federal laws, and a trailer load that is properly secured, loaded and manageable. If they fall short, each and every car they pass is at risk of an accident. Every driver could suffer injury or death. These requirements apply to all interstate drivers and the failure to do any of these things often results in negligent driving and is often the cause of a truck accident resulting in serious injury. It does not matter what kind of truck as these requirements apply to:
- Tanker Trucks - Oilfield Trucks- Pipe Haulers- Chemical Trucks and other trucks with trailers carrying hazardous materials
- Slow Moving - Log Trucks, Garbage Trucks, Dump Trucks, Cement Trucks, Gravel Trucks and Construction Zone Trucks entering and exiting a highway construction zone, Wide-Load Convoys, Bulldozers, Farm Equipment and slow moving Paving Equipment
- Freight Liners, UPS, DHL, Fed-Ex, U-Haul, Mayflower and other van lines
- Shuttle Bus, Casino Buses to and from Louisiana, Vacation Bus, Tour Bus, Greyhound Buses
- Most all other 18-wheeler, Big-Rig, Flatbeds, Tractor/Trailer combinations
Commercial Trucks Not Large In Size But With A Large Insurance Policy
The difference in size of cash settlements in commercial truck cases are potentially much larger than auto to auto accidents generally for one reason: the size of the policy of insurance. You know that your personal auto policy is sometimes as low as the Texas state mandatory minimum limits which are $20,000. When there is a commercial vehicle, such as a company van, company pick-up, tow trucks, etc ., the policies of insurance coverage are usually much larger and you can be fairly and fully compensated when the driver is negligent.
Building Your Case with a Focus on the Best Resolution
We focus on the best resolution of your case. That comes through detail-oriented investigations and review of all documentation, including medical files, driving records, witness statements, and logbooks. With the facts on your side, we will move forward to negotiation, to cooperative mediation or to aggressive litigation.
Contact us if you have been injured in a truck accident while driving on I-410, I-10, I-35, I-37, Hwy 59, Hwy 83, Hwy 281, Hwy 90, Hwy 87, Hwy 181, Hwy 79, Hwy 377, Hwy 190, Hwy 1604, Hwy 78, Hwy 1976, Hwy 1604, Hwy 422, Hwy 1957, Hwy 3487, Hwy 46, Hwy 80, Hwy 71, Hwy 12, Hwy 29, Hwy 36, Hwy 105, Hwy 85, Hwy 97, Hwy 44, Hwy 55, Mopac, or the C.W. Anderson Loop.
Seeking Justice and Holding the Negligent Accountable
Simple oversights can become major tragedies. A few extra pounds of weight in a trailer. A missed break to make a deadline. Choosing work over sleep to arrive home sooner. Minor decisions like these result in significant catastrophes. Do not let the trucking company's insurance company coerce you into a settlement.
Contact Us
For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced personal injury lawyer regarding a truck collision, please contact us.
Texas Trucking Companies
- Alpha Cargo Motor Express, INC.
- Amerigas Propane Lp
- Andrews Transport, Lp
- Baldwin Distribution Services, LTD
- Bancroft And Sons Transportation, INC.
- Basse Truck Line, INC
- Bealine Service Co., INC.
- Best Delivery Systems, INC.
- Best Transportation Service, INC.
- Best Way Transportation, INC.
- Bilbo Transports, INC.
- Boarder To Boarder Trucking, INC.