FERRYSBURG, MI – A semi trailer truck overturned Monday morning on April 5, 2010 as it was exiting a Michigan Highway in Ottawa County near Ferrysburg, MI. The truck accident happened on US 31, at the Spring Lake exit ramp onto Michigan State Route 104. The accident area is in the far west central section of the state near the shores of Lake Michigan, 99 miles west of Lansing, MI and 112 miles north of South Bend, Indiana.

Spring Lake/Ferrysburg Police had to shut down the US 31 exit ramp for several hours after the truck accident. A crane was brought in and crews worked to put the semi trailer truck back upright and clear the exit ramp for traffic.
At about 10:00 a.m. Monday morning, 61 year old Glendale Jones of Detroit, MI was driving a semi trailer truck loaded with car parts south on US 31. As the truck driver neared Ferrysburg, he attempted to exit US 31 at Spring Lake which merges onto Michigan State Route 104.
Mr. Jones apparently was going too fast and lost control of his 18 wheeler truck as he took the sharp turn on the exit ramp. The combination of the truck’s speed and the weight of the load in the trailer caused the semi rig to overturn on the side of the highway exit ramp.
No other vehicles were involved in the truck accident.
After flipping his trailer truck, Mr. Jones kicked out the glass in the truck cab’s windshield and escaped the overturned 18 wheeler truck. He was reportedly standing and walking around when police and emergency personnel arrived at the scene of the truck accident.
The truck driver suffered an injury to his hand and was transported to North Ottawa Community Hospital in nearby Grand Haven where he was treated and later released.
Spring Lake/Ferrysburg Police had to shut down the US 31 exit ramp for several hours after the truck accident. A crane was brought in and crews worked to put the semi trailer truck back upright and clear the exit ramp for traffic.
According to authorities investigating the truck accident, the driver was driving too fast at the time of the rollover, and the weight of the auto parts in the trailer contributed to the driver losing control on the sharp turn of the exit ramp. In addition, an officer with the Spring Lake/Ferrysburg Police Department said that witnesses reported that the truck driver cut off other drivers and did not yield to the merging traffic on the exit ramp prior to the truck accident.
The truck driver has been charged with speeding and failure to yield the right of way. The authorities are finishing up the truck accident investigation.
For more information about Michigan trucking laws, truck injury causes and victims rights, contact an experienced Michigan truck accident lawyer. For a free initial consultation, contact nationwide truck accident attorneys, Gordon, Elias & Seely LLP, for expert advice.