CLEBURNE, TX – Three semi trailer trucks were involved in a deadly truck accident Friday morning, April 16, in Johnson County, Texas. The multi vehicle collision happened on US Highway 67 near Walls Drive, south of the Dallas-Fort Worth metro region near the town of Cleburne. The accident area is in the north central section of the state, 168 miles north of Austin, TX and 229 miles south of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

The wreckage of the multi vehicle crash was strewn over a quarter-mile area of the highway, with the transmission and engine section of the truck which set off the truck accident thrown about 150 feet from the site of impact. It took highway crews hours to clear the debris from the roadway.
At about 10:45 a.m. Friday morning a semi trailer driven by 31 year old Neil Howard of Pilot Point was headed north on US Highway 67. Mr. Howard was driving for Jeter 3 Trucking based in Denton, TX.
As he drove in the area between Lake Pat Cleburne and Texas Health Resource Hospital, Mr. Howard apparently lost control of the 18 wheeler rig. The trailer truck crossed over the grassy highway median and clipped the trailer of a truck traveling south on Highway 67. He then slammed head on into a second southbound semi tractor trailer.
The truck accident set off a chain reaction that would involve two passenger pickup trucks. One pickup ran off the highway and the second was hit by debris.
The impact of the truck accident ejected Mr. Howard from his tractor trailer and completely destroyed the cab of the rig.
Local law officers and emergency personnel responded to the scene of the multi vehicle accident. The driver of the semi trailer that started the truck accident, Mr. Howard, suffered fatal blunt force trauma injuries after being thrown from his truck cab and was pronounced dead at the scene by the County Medical Examiner’s Office.
The driver of the second semi involved in the head-on collision was treated and stabilized at the scene and then transported by CareFlight medical helicopter to Texas Health Resources Harris Hospital in Fort Worth, TX. Authorities reported that his injuries were non life threatening.
The drivers of the two pickup trucks and the third 18 wheeler were not injured in the truck accident.
The wreckage of the multi vehicle crash was strewn over a quarter-mile area of the highway, with the transmission and engine section of the truck which set off the truck accident thrown about 150 feet from the site of impact. It would take highway crews hours to clear the debris from the roadway.
Officers shut down Highway 67 around the truck accident site and both directions of traffic were rerouted to frontage roads for most of the day, including the evening rush hour.
No charges have been brought at this time and the truck accident remains under investigation.
For more information about Texas trucking laws, truck injury causes and victims rights, contact nationwide truck accident attorneys Gordon, Elias & Seely, LLP for expert advice. For a free initial consultation, talk to a Dallas truck accident lawyer at 800.773.6770.