ROSEVILLE, MI – A man was seriously injured Tuesday morning, June 22, in a truck accident in Macomb County, Michigan. The collision between the car and semi trailer truck occurred at the intersection of Common Road and Groesbeck Highway in Roseville, MI, a suburb in the northeast section of the Detroit metropolitan region. The accident area is in the southeast section of the state, about 92 miles east of Lansing, MI and about 77 miles north of Toledo, Ohio.

Firefighters would have to use two sets of Jaws of Life to cut the man out through the roof of his vehicle.
At around 8:30 a.m. Tuesday morning an unidentified truck driver was driving a semi trailer truck east on Common Road in the suburb of Roseville in Macomb County, Michigan. The semi trailer truck was carrying about 60,000 pounds of steel and had the logo of Alkar Steel and Processing, based in Roseville, MI.
At the same time a 21 year old man from Mount Clemens, MI was in a light brown 1995 Oldsmobile car traveling south on Groesbeck Highway. According to local police, the driver was reportedly moving at a high rate of speed, allegedly above the posted 45 MPH.
When the Oldsmobile driver reached the intersection of Groesbeck and Common he ignored his red traffic light and slammed broadside into the trailer of the semi truck which had the right of way and was moving through the intersection. The impact of the truck accident wedged the car under the trailer truck, trapping the driver inside his car.
Roseville firefighters and rescue team members responded to the truck accident, which had shut down the intersection of Common and Groesbeck. Because of the great weight of the steel load in the truck rescuers were not able to immediately reach the trapped driver. A second trailer truck was brought to the scene from Alkar’s nearby business center and crews began offloading the 60,000 pounds of steel products.
Once some of the cargo was off the first truck, emergency personnel began working to get the trapped driver out. Firefighters would have to use two sets of Jaws of Life to cut the man out through the roof of his vehicle. Once he was extricated he was transported to Mount Clemens General Hospital. At last report he suffered injuries to his head and neck that are serious and possibly life threatening.
The truck driver was not injured in the truck accident.
Local police kept the intersection closed for almost four hours while EMTs treated the victim and officers reconstructed the truck accident. Based on their preliminary findings, they believe that the driver of the Oldsmobile went through a red light at a high rate of speed and is responsible for the collision. The truck driver had a green light and is not at fault for the accident.
No charges have been brought at this time and the truck accident remains under investigation.
For more information about Michigan trucking laws, truck injury causes and victims rights, contact nationwide truck accident lawyers Gordon, Elias & Seely, LLP for expert advice. For a free initial consultation, talk to a MI truck accident lawyer at 800.773.6770.