SHEPHERD, TEXAS — A fatal accident involving two bigs rigs and passenger car occurred just after 12:00 p.m. Saturday, July 31, on Highway 59 near Hastings Lane just south of the town of Shepherd in San Jacinto County. The accident closed part of U.S. 59.

Horrendous pileup of fatal accident involving two 18 wheelers, a logging truck and a passenger vehicle in Shepherd, TX.

Overpass near Hastings Lane on Highway 59 where the 18 wheeler accident occurred.
Shepherd is located in San Jacinto County, Texas in the southeastern part of the state about 61 miles northeast of Houston, about 253 miles northeast of San Antonio, about 208 miles northeast of Austin, about 411 miles northeast of Brownsville, about 272 miles northeast of Corpus Christi, about 220 miles southeast of Dallas, about 248 miles southeast of Fort Worth and about 587 miles southeast of Amarillo.
Investigators said a logging truck hauling a tractor struck an overpass, which separated the tractor from the truck. A small white passenger vehicle traveling behind the truck was hit by the tractor.

Location of the semi truck accident in Shepherd, Texas just south of town.
Moments after the first collision, another 18-wheeler slammed into both the white car and the logging truck.
The driver of the logging truck and a passenger in the white car were killed.

Detail of the overpass on Highway 59 showing a posted clearance of 13 feet, 7 inches when this image was taken. Image from Google Street view (no date avaiable).
The truck accident remains under investigation.
For more information about Texas trucking laws, truck injury causes and victims rights, contact Houston, Texas truck accident lawyers Gordon, Elias & Seely, LLP for expert advice. For a free initial consultation, talk to a Houston truck accident lawyer at 800.773.6770.