ROANOKE, IN – A semi truck skidded into a guard rail then overturned and rolled over off the side of the road in Roanoke, Indiana about 18 miles from Fort Wayne in the north eastern part of the state.

Semi truck accident near Ft Wayne, Indiana caused by ice slick roads.

The big rig accident happened on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 around 6:30 am in the morning trapping the driver for about 45 minutes. Police are blaming the winter weather and icy road conditions for the accident.

The 18-wheeler went off the road on a curve near the intersection of Fogwell Parkway and Winters Rd.


Location of overturned semi truck in Roanoke, IN near the General Motors plant.

After being trapped in his cab for around 45 minutes, the semi truck driver was taken to the hospital in serious condition.


Below is a Google street view of the road where the semi truck accident occurred in Roanoake, IN near the General Motors plant. You can click the mouse and drag it around to get a feel for the scene of the accident.

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Indiana Truck Accident Lawyer

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