SAN ANGELO, TX. – On Wednesday morning, Aug, 31, a truck driver from New Jersey traveling north on U.S. 87 about 16 miles southeast of San Angelo Texas was pulled from a burning wreck after his tractor trailer crashed into a metal guardrail and flipped over a concrete barricade and landed on an embankment on the north side of Lipan Creek.

Map showing location where a New Jersey truck driver was pulled from a burning truck about 16 miles southeast of San Angelo, TX on Highway 87 at Lipan Creek.
According to the Department of Public Safety, the driver was taken to Shannon Medical Center by ambulance with incapacitating injuries.
After the cab caught on fire, two passer-by drivers stopped and pulled the truck driver out before it became fully engulfed, DPS said. Approximately 100 gallons of diesel fuel spilled as a result of the crash.
Wall Volunteer Fire Department, Tom Green County Sheriff deputies, San Angleo EMS and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality responded to the crash.
Fatigue was suspected as a factor in the crash. DPS reported that the man was wearing a seat belt.
The incident remains under investigation.
Burn Injuries
Statistics from the National Institute of Health report that more than 2 million people in the United States require treatment for burns each year, and that between 3,000 and 4,000 die of their injuries. Statistics in 2004 from the Center for Disease Control reported that every 135 minutes one person was killed by a fire accident and every 30 minutes, one person suffered a fire-related injury.
Victims of severe burn injuries find their lives changed forever and continue to suffer beyond the intial trauma due to intense pain and psychological stress in dealing with physical disabilities and disfigurations.
Truck Accident Lawyer News is a truck accident and personal injury blog that publishes up to date truck accident and truck legal news from across the United States. New Jersey, due to its high population and vast highway system, has a high incident of 18 wheeler accidents. New Jersey metropolitan cities with a high incident of truck accidents and vehicle collision resulting in severe personal injuries and even death include Newark, Paterson, Toms River and Trenton to name a few.
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