GLENWOOD, IL – A woman was killed when her vehicle was struck head-on by an 18 wheeler truck on Route 394 in Glenwood, IL on September 2, 2011.

A semi truck crashes head-on into a Ford SUV on Highway 394 in Glenwood, IL on September 2, 2011 shutting down traffic for hours. The vehicle burst into flames, trapping and killing the driver.
Glenwood is located in in Cook County, Illinois in the northeastern part of the state about 28 miles south of Chicago.
The accident occurred about 5:00 p.m. in the evening when the northbound semi truck inexplicably crossed the center divider just north of Glenwood Lansing Rd. and crashed head-on into an SUV driving in the southbound lanes.

Map showing location of fatal semi truck accident in Glenwood, IL on September 2, 2011 on Route 394 just north of Genwood Lansing Rd.
The victim was identified as Mary E. Lacey, 49 years old from Lynwood, IL, who was traveling southbound on Route 394 at the time. The semi truck crossed over the grassy divider from the northbound lanes into southbound traffic and struck her 1999 Ford Expedition head-on.
The SUV burst into flames, trapping and killing the victim inside. Lacey was the only occupant in the vehicle.
Police are investigating the accident and trying to figure out why the truck driver veered across the highway into oncoming traffic. The accident reconstruction team is trying to figure it out. The driver, whose name has not been released, was not injured in the accident, although he is reported to be from Valparaiso, IN.
There were some sand barrels used to mark construction zones on the northbound side. The barrels may have been hit, suggesting one possible scenario that the trucker over-corrected after hitting the barrels, sending the truck out of control and crossing the highway divider.
The semi truck driver may have drifted off to the right side of the northbound lanes, hit the guard rail, and then bounced off or over-corrected, lost control and came back across the two northbound lanes and the grassy median and into oncoming traffic on the other side.
Police shut down Highway 394 in both directions looking for clues to the cause of the accident.
Police checked the trucker’s logs and do not have any evidence that drugs, alcohol or fatigue played any part of the accident.
Truck Accident Lawyer News is a truck accident and personal injury blog that publishes up to date truck accident and truck legal news from across the United States. Chicago, due to its high population and vast highway system, has a high incident of truck accidents and 18 wheeler accidents. Illinois metropolitan cities besides Chicago with a high incident of truck accidents and vehicle collision resulting in severe personal injuries and even death include Aurora and Bloomington to name a few.
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