CAMPBELLTON, Texas — A priest who was traveling south on Interstate 37 near Campbellton, Texas, was killed on Monday, July 9, when his vehicle struck an overturned semi truck that had swerved off the highway.

A priest from Corpus Christi, TX was killed in a semi truck accident on the southbound I-37 in Campbellton, TX on July 9, 2012.
The accident occurred on Monday night when an 18 wheeler traveling south on Interstate 37, the same direction as the priest, swerved right off the Interstate, over corrected and overturned onto the highway. The priest, who was driving a four-door Saturn, struck the overturned big rig and died on the scene.

Map showing location of fatal semi truck accident on the southbound I-37 in Campbellton, TX near the Campbellton Exit on July 9, 2012.
The victim was identified as 65-year-old Rev. Michael Jordan of Corpus Christi who served sick priests in Robstown. Jordan was with the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity for about 35 years.
Another priest, who was traveling with Jordan was injured but is expected to be okay. The other priest, identified as 52-year-old Rev. Edward Roche, was taken with injuries to University Hospital, San Antonio, in stable condition.
Jordan was one of about 25 priests in an ecclesial team of the society that served throughout the Catholic Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Dan Estes director of Our Lady of Corpus Christi said,”He was the kindest person, who took an interest in everybody he met. He served, and served and served in whatever capacity asked of him.”
Source: Corpus Christi Caller Times
Posted by Corpus Christi truck accident lawyer, Gordon, Elias & Seely.