FRANKFORT, Ill. — A semi truck overturned in Frankfort, Illinois, this morning after the big rig collided with a car and rolled over into a ditch on the I-80, while the car remained upright on the pavement.

On March 19, 2013 a semi truck rolled over into a ditch after crashing with a passenger vehicle on the westbound I-80 in Frankfort, IL Photo credit: Nick Swedberg
According to Illinois State Police, the accident occurred at about 7:20 a.m. Tuesday morning, March 19, on I-80 westbound just east of 80th Avenue in Frankfort. The city of Frankfort is located about 37 miles southwest of Chicago.

Map showing location of a semi truck accident in Frankfort, IL on the westbound I-80 just east of 80th Ave on March 19, 2013.
The driver of the semi-truck was taken to Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox with minor injuries according to reports.
The incident remains under investigation at this time.
Police said that what they do know is that the two vehicles were traveling westbound and it appears that the car struck the semi-truck .
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