MOUNT VERNON, WA – A bridge spanning the Skagit River collapsed sending motorists into the water after a box truck smacked into one of its supports on May 23, 2013.

A bridge on a section of the I-5 that spans the Skagit River in Mount Vernon, WA collapsed after a box truck accident on May 23, 2013. Motorists plunged into the water and had to be rescued.
The accident happened on Thursday, May 23, 2013 around 7:00 p.m. where the I-5 crosses the Skagit River in Mount Vernon, WA. Mount Vernon is located in Skagit County, WA in the northwestern part of the state abount 62 miles north of Seattle.

Map shows location of a bridge collapse on May 23, 2013 after a box truck accident in Mount Vernon, WA where the I-5 spans the Skagit River.
It appears that a truck traveling southbound on I-5 was approaching the bridge with a load that was extending out from the right of the truck. It struck the bridge support and made it off the bridge on the other side, but the section of the bridge collapsed into the water sending two cars with 3 motorists into the water.
Fortunately, no one was killed, but the motorists had to be rescued.
Looking at photos of the bridge, the overhead trusses are anchored to the roadbed at four corners – two on one end and two on the other. When the truck knocked out one of the corners, it appears that it was weakened to the point where could no longer support the combined weight of the bridge and vehicles and so it collapsed.
According to a news report by CNN, the bridge was built in 1955 and is listed as “Functionally Obsolete”
Officials told the media that although the bridge was listed as functionally obsolete, it doesn’t mean that it was unsafe. Instead, it means that the bridge design is outdated and can’t handle modern traffic.
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