SIERRA BLANCA, Texas — An 18 wheeler accident occurred Thursday afternoon, June 21, on the westbound Interstate 10 about a mile and half from Sierra Blanca, Texas.
Authorities arrived on the crash scene to assist the semi truck that had rolled over on its side. According to KFOX14, two men were also being treated as the news crew arrived on the scene.
The cause of the accident was unkown, but the media reports that Hudspeth County Sheriff’s Department deputies, Texas State Troopers and U.S. Border Patrol officials were investigating the crash.
Texas truck accident attorneys, Gordon, Elias & Seely state that a variety of factors can cause a truck accident. Things like simple care and attention to detail by a truck driver or a trucking company can prevent many accidents from happening in the first place. Many times there are undue pressures put upon a driver to perform beyond their limits thus sacrificing safety for a healthy bottom line. At Gordon, Elias & Seely, L.L.P., based in Houston, Texas, our Houston truck accident lawyers bring experience and a thorough knowledge of the federal laws that govern the trucking industry.