Archive for the ‘Trucking Regulations’ Category

WASHINGTON, DC – House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman James Oberstar (D-MN) questions Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrator, Anne Ferro, about the agency’s record keeping regarding fatal crashes involving commercial trucks and how the agency manages truck safety.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrator, Anne Ferro, undergoes tough questioning from House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman, James Oberstar (D-MN), regarding truck safety

The exchange took place during a hearing before the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit on June 23, 2010.
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Virginia Senate Bill 646 was recently passed in an effort to improve trailer safety while travelling on Virginia Highways and roads. In the past Virginia roads were unsafe because vehicles hauling trailers were not required to use any type of chain or cable that would make sure the trailer remained connected to a vehicle while in transit. As a result unnecessary vehicle accidents occurred resulting in severe injuries and death.

The new law now requires that all trailers have an emergency chain or cable that is capable of keeping the trailer attached to the truck or vehicle when on the road. ... Read More

WASHINGTON DC – On Wednesday, March 31, 2010 The Department of Transportation (DOT) announced its proposal to make its interim ban on texting while driving permanent for commercial truck drivers and bus drivers across the U.S. The ban applies to drivers of interstate commercial trucks and buses over 10,000 pounds and was first put into effect on an interim basis in January, 2010 by the Transportation secretary, Ray LaHood.

DOT ban on texting while driving for commercial trucks and buses likely to become permanent

If approved, the permanent ban could cause truck and bus drivers to face civil or criminal penalties if caught texting behind the wheel. The DOT said that truck drivers and bus drivers may be cited for texting while operating a commercial vehicle and may also face a fine up to $2,750. ... Read More

WASHINGTON D.C. – On January 15, 2010 the American Trucking Associations (ATA) filed a lawsuit with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in which it asks the court to compel the Department of Transportation (DOT) to issue a long-overdue regulation for hours-of-service (HOS) supporting documents.

Semi truck carriers on US highways affected by DOT hours-of-service documents

The lawsuit that was filed by the ATA is referred to as a “mandamus” action in which a court can compel government officials to perform their legal duties. Actions such as this that compel agencies to issue overdue regulations are common. Such actions often result in a settlement where the government agency agrees to act within a negotiated time frame … ... Read More

WASHINGTON D.C. – On Tuesday, January 26, 2010 the U.S. Department of Transportation  (DOT) announced that, effective immediately, sending text messages while driving is now illegal for commercial truckers and bus drivers. The department said that truck drivers and bus drivers who engage in the practice of texting while behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle may be subject to civil or criminal penalties of up to $2,750.

Big rig trucks and buses traveling on US roads are banned from texting

Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood said, “We want the drivers of big rigs and buses and those who share the roads with them to be safe,” and that this was an “important safety step.” He stated further that the DOT would be taking more steps to “eliminate the threat of distracted driving.”… ... Read More