Posts Tagged ‘South Berwick Turnpike Accident’
BURLINGTON, PA – A truck driver fell into a creek and died after a truck accident Monday in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. The truck accident happened on the South Berwick Turnpike/State Route 3009 in Burlington Township. The area is in the northeast section of the state near the New York border, 63 miles southwest from Binghamton, NY and 187 miles northwest of Philadelphia, PA.

Accident scene of semi truck that crashed over a bridge into Sugar Creek in Burlington Township, PA. Photo credit: Star-Gazette, Elmira, NY
The truck accident happened around 11:30 a.m. last Monday morning as 45 year old Terry L. Evans of Lindsey, Oklahoma, was driving his Peterbilt truck north on the South Berwick Turnpike. As Evans reached the area near Hanks Road he apparently was driving too fast and failed to successfully negotiate a left hand curve. He lost control of the truck on the curve and the tractor trailer rolled over and then crashed into the bridge over the Sugar Creek…