Posts Tagged ‘South Carolina Truck Accident Attorneys’
ANDERSON COUNTY, SC – On Tuesday, February 7, 2012 a semi tanker truck crashed into a power pole and then exploded and burst into flames in Anderson County, SC.

Massive blaze of a tanker truck that crashed and burned in Anderson County, SC on February 7, 2012. The truck driver was injured in the accident.
NEWBERRY COUNTY, SC – A semi driver was injured in a multi vehicle truck accident Tuesday morning, January 11, on a highway in Newberry County, South Carolina. The two tractor trailers lost control on the icy surface of Interstate 26 as it passes through the southern edge of the Sumter National Forest. The truck accident area is in the northwest part of South Carolina, about 106 miles northeast of Augusta, Georgia and about 99 miles southeast of Charlotte, North Carolina.
For several days the southeast section of the US was experiencing uncharacteristic winter weather. Several states that rarely see snow had received up to several inches in some places, coating the road surfaces and making driving hazardous. The truck accident happened after the area went through a storm that brought snow and left dangerous black ice on many of the region’s roads. ... Read More
LODGE, SC – Three people died Wednesday morning after the passenger van they were in was hit by a tractor trailer truck in South Carolina. The truck collision happened on US Route 601 near Lodge in rural Colleton County. The area of the truck accident is in the south-central section of the state, 70 miles northwest of Charleston, SC, and 74 miles southeast of Augusta, Georgia.
According to authorities, at around 7:15 a.m. Wednesday morning, 27 year old Bernardo Lopez-Hernandez of Walterboro, SC was driving a 15 passenger van west on SC Highway 641. There were seven passengers in the van with the driver, the passengers identified as migrant workers. ... Read More