Posts Tagged ‘Utah I-15 Truck Accident’
ROY, UT – Drugs or driver fatigue may be factors in a truck accident that happened Wednesday in Weber County Utah. The semi truck rollover accident occurred on Interstate 15 near the city of Roy, south of the Ogden metropolitan area and 32 miles north of Salt Lake City. The area is in the north central section of the state, 308 miles southeast of Boise, Idaho and 124 miles southwest of Kemmerer, Wyoming.

Enviro Care Inc., a hazardous waste emergency response company of North Salt Lake, was brought in to clean up the diesel fuel spilled during the truck accident.
At approximately 4:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, an unidentified truck driver, 55 years old from South Weber, was traveling north on Interstate 15, pulling two tankers filled with close to 7500 gallons of diesel fuel. The tanker truck was owned by Golden Eagle Petroleum Refinery of Woods Cross, Utah. ... Read More